幫我中翻英~(一段中文摘要) - 玫瑰

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2009-08-16T00:00

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精油常使用於芳香療法,應用於鎮靜、美容中,並具有抗菌抗氧化等特性,利用精油的多重特性,測試其對痤瘡桿菌的抑菌效果,同時也進行了抗發炎的活性分析。青春痘的發生主要是因為皮脂過度增生、毛囊皮脂腺導管角化過度,而聚集在毛囊中的痤瘡桿菌(Propionibacterium acnes)過度增生大量釋放化學趨化物所引發的發炎反應。在青春痘的治療上,通常使用抗生素來抑制痤瘡桿菌生長,但近年來提倡天然,因此找尋新的抗菌成份來抑制痤瘡桿菌。
本研究探討五種芳香植物,分別為蘋果桉 (Eucalyptus bridgesiana)、玫瑰草 (Cymbopogon martinii)、麝香百里香 (Thymus vulgaris)、心葉水薄荷(Lindernia anagalis) 及薰衣草天竺葵 (Pelargonium X fragran)之抗菌、抗氧化及抗發炎活性分析,並使用GC/MS分析五種芳香植物精油的成分,蘋果桉精油主要是由1,8-cineole(11.92%)為主;玫瑰草精油是由geraniol(41.31%)為主;麝香百里香精油主要為thymol(21.46%)為主要成分;心葉水薄荷精油成分有p-menthanone(30.75%)、pulegone(18.41%)等成分;薰衣草天竺葵成分有α-pinene(3.09%)、limoene(3.78%)、(-)-spathulenol(13.91%)、linalol(4.02%)等;茶樹精油主要則以terpin-4-ol(58.20%)為主。在抑菌部分使用培養液稀釋法(Broth dilution method)測試其最小抑制濃度(Minimum inhibitory concentration, MIC),結果顯示五種精油皆對痤瘡桿菌具有抑制作用,其中以玫瑰草為本研究中最佳抗菌精油,其MIC值為0.91L/mL。在抗氧化部分,使用DPPH清除自由基反應、β-胡蘿蔔素漂白法、結果顯示皆以麝香百里香精油的抗氧化能力最好。而在Nitric oxide (NO) 自由基的清除能力分析中,也是以麝香百里香清除NO的效果最好。抗發炎活性部分,在抑制5-脂氧酶(5-Lipoxygenase)能力上,以麝香百里香的抑制能力最為顯著;於P. acnes菌體誘導Thp-1細胞分泌前發炎激素之抗發炎試驗中,則以蘋果桉、玫瑰草、麝香百里香、薰衣草天竺葵精油能有效抑制前發炎細胞激素之分泌量。

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Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2009-08-19T07:08
Precise oil make, used in fragrant treatment often, apply to calm improving looks, having, antibacterial characteristicking such as being anti-oxidant, utilize the multiple characteristic of precise oil, test its restraining the fungus result to bacillus of analeptic, resisted the active analysis of inflammation at the same time. Youthful emergence of small pox because sebaceous excessive hyperplasia, hair follicle sebaceous glands conduit corner take excessive mainly, and assemble in mao analeptic bacillus (Propionibacterium acnes) in the pocket Excessive hyperplasia release chemistry and trend towards and melt inflammation that the thing initiates and react in a large amount. In the treatment of the youthful small pox, usually use antibiotic to inhibit the bacillus of analeptic from growing, but it is natural to recommend in recent years, so look for new antibacterial compositions to inhibit the bacillus of analeptic.
2009-08-17 01:12:12 補充:
This research probes into five kinds of fragrant plants, is the apple eucalyptus (Eucalyptus bridgesiana) respectively , rose grass (Cymbopogon martinii)
2009-08-17 01:13:19 補充:
, musk thyme (Thymus vulgaris) , the heart leaf water peppermint (Lindernia anagalis) And smoke the clothing grass geranium (Pelargonium X fragran)
2009-08-17 01:13:34 補充:
The antibacterial, the anti-oxidant and not resist by active analysis inflammation,more use GC/MS not to be lasted plant compositions of oil precises fragrant of five kinds, the precise oil of apple eucalyptus is mainly by 1, 8 - cineole (11.92%)
2009-08-17 01:13:50 補充:
It is a main fact; The precise oil of rose grass is by geraniol (41.31%) It is a main fact; One hundred li of essential oils of musk are mainly thymol (21.46%)
2009-08-17 01:14:16 補充:
It is principal ingredients; The precise oil composition of water peppermint of the heart leaf has p-menthanone (30.75%) , pulegone (18.41%) Wait for the composition; Smoking the grass geranium composition of the clothing has ¦Á - pinene (3.09%)
2009-08-17 01:14:40 補充:
, limoene (3.78%) , (-) -spathulenol(13.91%) , linalol (4.02%) When; The precise oil of tea tree is with terpin-4-ol (58.20%)
2009-08-17 01:14:49 補充:
mainly It is a main fact. Restraining the fungus part and using and training the liquid to dilute the law (Broth dilution method) It is tested that it inhibits the thickness (Minimum inhibitory concentration, MIC)
2009-08-17 01:15:01 補充:
minimumly ,Arch five kinds of precise oil all had inhibitory activity on the bacillus of analeptic, among them is based on rose grass and antibacterial the precise oil bestly in research, its MIC value is 0.91mL/mL.
2009-08-17 01:16:08 補充:
Anti-oxidant to partly, use DPPH remove free radical react, ¦Â- carrotene bleach law, result reveal one hundred anti-oxidant ability of essential oil best with musk all.
2009-08-17 01:16:40 補充:
In Nitric oxide (NO) In the clearance ability of the free radical is analyzed, it is best to remove the result of NO with the thyme of musk too.
2009-08-17 01:16:57 補充:
Resist the activity part of inflammation, inhibiting 5 - oxygen of lipoprotein? (5-Lipoxygenase) On ability, the inhibition ability of the thyme of musk is the most apparent; In P.
2009-08-17 01:17:09 補充:
Acnes fungus body induce Thp-1 cell inflammation inflammation of resisting of hormone secrete, of the test, with apple eucalyptus, rose grass, musk thyme, can smoke clothing grass geranium precise oil inflammation cell secretion amount of hormone inhibit effectively.
2009-08-17 01:17:35 補充:
The result of study of the comprehensive thesis, the precise oil of rose grass has better inhibition analeptic bacillus ability,
2009-08-17 01:17:42 補充:
and one hundred li of essential oils of musk have the apparent one anti-oxidant and resisting inflammation function, can be as developing resisting the reference of the small pox skin care products.
2009-08-17 01:17:51 補充:
Key word: Youthful small pox, analeptic bacillus, precise oil, inhibiting the thickness, resisting inflammation anti-oxidantly, minimumly


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2009-08-14T00:00
有認為不錯的希望也能提供價 ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2009-08-06T00:00
(5)瓜子的組層層次是身麼 ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2009-08-05T00:00
紫玫瑰和白玫瑰�� ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2009-08-04T00:00
夏天到了我家小朋友粉會被蚊子咬,我都用市面上的防蚊液,因為使用時間還蠻多的我又擔心安全的問題,所以我 ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2009-07-31T00:00
4.分�� ...