歌詞翻譯中翻英英文高手請進20點 - 花

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2008-12-17T00:00

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詞曲 編曲 演唱:陳昱熙
寂寞的時候 有你陪我
電話那頭 熟悉笑容
你說分手也是一種解脫 你默默的安慰我
想哭的時候 沒有人懂
你聽我說 你眼中卻跟著泛紅
有種感動 湧上心頭 有個人很懂我
你像在手中的太陽 總是給我一種 溫熱陽光
或許不夠堅強 沒有力量 夜都會因你而亮
你是在晴天的花 開得如此燦爛 充滿希望
每當失落 有你在我身旁 有一種又想愛的堅強 陪我去闖
想哭的時候 沒有人懂
你聽我說 你眼中卻跟著泛紅
有種感動 湧上心頭 有個人很懂我
你是不會滅的燭光 常常給我一種 溫馨浪漫
經過多少風霜 多少淚光 夜都會因你溫暖
你是在陰天的花 依然開得燦爛 不會絕望
每當聽見 充滿真心的話 有一種莫名感動的愛 慢慢發芽
你是不會滅的燭光 常常給我一種 溫馨浪漫
經過多少風霜 多少淚光 夜都會因你溫暖
你是天使的翅膀 展開我的夢想 飛向天堂
溫暖的風 吹進我的心房 有你我就不會再孤單 有你陪伴
寂寞的時候 有你陪我

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Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2008-12-19T21:38
詞曲 編曲 演唱:陳昱熙
寂寞的時候 有你陪我
(You stay with me in the lonely hours .)
電話那頭 熟悉笑容
(Another end of the phone, familiar smile.)
你說分手也是一種解脫 你默默的安慰我
(Saying breaking up could be a kind of salvation, you comfort me quietly.)
*想哭的時候 沒有人懂
(Times while feeling like crying, there was no one understood.)
你聽我說 你眼中卻跟著泛紅
(You listened to me, but your eyes turned moist the following.)
有種感動 湧上心頭 有個人很懂我
(A kind of feeling rose up to my heart :There’s one who understand me very much.)
你像在手中的太陽 總是給我一種 溫熱陽光
(You’re like a sun in my hand which always bring me some warmth and sunshine.)
或許不夠堅強 沒有力量 夜都會因你而亮
(Maybe, not being strong enough, without strength, the night will still shine for you.)
你是在晴天的花 開得如此燦爛 充滿希望
(You are a flower in the sunny day, which blooms so resplendently and filled with hope.)
每當失落 有你在我身旁 有一種又想愛的堅強 陪我去闖
(While feeling lost, I have you with me; There’s a strength accompany my exploration and make me want to love again.)
**你是不會滅的燭光 常常給我一種 溫馨浪漫
(You're the ever-shine candlelight which often bring me with some warmth and romance.)
經過多少風霜 多少淚光 夜都會因你溫暖
(No matter how many frost and wind, how many tear it went through, the night would get warm because of you. )
你是在陰天的花 依然開得燦爛 不會絕望
(You're a flower in the cloudy days, which still blooms resplendently and would not get disappointed.)
每當聽見 充滿真心的話 有一種莫名感動的愛 慢慢發芽
(Every sound of the pure hearty words is followed by the slow germination of a nameless touch of love.)
你是天使的翅膀 展開我的夢想 飛向天堂
(Your the wing of the angel which open my dream and fly me to the heaven.)
溫暖的風 吹進我的心房 有你我就不會再孤單 有你陪伴
(Temperate wind blows into my heart. With you I won't be lonely ever; since you keep me company.)
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2008-12-20T16:06
The dependent song and poem arranges the tune to sing: Chen Yuxi Lonely time had you to accompany my telephone that familiar smiling face you saying that bid good-bye is also one kind extricates you silently to comfort me Wants to cry time nobody understood you to listen to me to say in your eye actually to pan-red to have plants the move to well up has a person to understand me very much Perhaps you look like in hand's sun always give me one kind of tepid sunlight 夠 strongly not to have the strength night to be able because of you whenever, but shines you are opens so brightly in the cloudless day flower hopful loses has you to have one kind in my one's side to want to like accompanying me to rush strongly Wants to cry time nobody understood you to listen to me to say in your eye actually to pan-red to have plants the move to well up has a person to understand me very much You will not extinguish whenever because the candlelight will give me one kind of warm romantic process how many wind and frost how much tears night to be able frequently you to warm you are still opens in the cloudy day flower brightly 絕 will not look hears to fill the sincerity the words to have one kind of inexplicable move love to germinate slowly You will not extinguish because the candlelight will give me one kind of warm romantic process how many wind and frost how much tears night to be able frequently you to warm you are the angel wing launches my dream to fly to the heaven warm breeze blow enters my atrium to have your me again lonelily not to have you to accompany
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2008-12-17T06:31
The dependent song and poem arranges the tune to sing: Chen Yuxi Lonely time had you to accompany my telephone that familiar smiling face you saying that bid good-bye is also one kind extricates you silently to comfort me Wants to cry time nobody understood you to listen to me to say in your eye actually to pan-red to have plants the move to well up has a person to understand me very much Perhaps you look like in hand's sun always give me one kind of tepid sunlight 夠 strongly not to have the strength night to be able because of you whenever, but shines you are opens so brightly in the cloudless day flower hopful loses has you to have one kind in my one's side to want to like accompanying me to rush strongly Wants to cry time nobody understood you to listen to me to say in your eye actually to pan-red to have plants the move to well up has a person to understand me very much You will extinguish whenever because the candlelight will give me one kind of warm romantic process how many wind and frost how much tears night to be able frequently you to warm you are still opens in the cloudy day flower brightly 絕 will look hears to fill the sincerity the words to have one kind of inexplicable move love to germinate slowly You will extinguish because the candlelight will give me one kind of warm romantic process how many wind and frost how much tears night to be able frequently you to warm you are the angel wing launches my dream to fly to the heaven warm breeze blow enters my atrium to have your me again lonelily not to have you to accompany


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2008-12-16T00:00
最近我對清潔類面膜很有興趣,但是台南櫃位不夠齊全,我想買的不一定有買到,明年周慶應該會下高雄買,請問 ...


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2008-12-16T00:00
以下為看過且收藏的~< ...


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2008-12-16T00:00
想要到可以放鬆心靈的地方~請各位推薦兩天一� ...


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2008-12-16T00:00
但是她要求一定要特別的方�� ...


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2008-12-16T00:00
醫生說我的狀況拖的變嚴重了!角質層必須先� ...